
One of the main concerns of HEURALAI CORP (hereinafter “we” or “Heural”) is to respect the privacy of your personal data. For us, the most important thing is that our customers (hereinafter the “Users”) feel safe when using our products and Services.

This “Privacy Statement”, together with our Terms and Conditions, constitute the basis for processing all personal data that we store about you or that we communicate to third parties. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully to find out what kind of data we store about you, how we treat it, under what conditions we communicate it to third parties and what rights you have regarding your personal data.

When using the Heural Platform (as defined in the Terms and Conditions) we will ask you for your confirmation and, in some cases, your consent to the processes that we describe below.

  1. Contact Us

Through our contact form you can always direct us questions, comments and requests about our Privacy Statement. You can contact our privacy officer via the email address [email protected].

  1. Overview of data protection in connection with our Service

The general data protection regulation and other applicable Data Protection Laws.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and other applicable Data Protection Laws, is one of the most significant pieces of legislation affecting the way Heural carries out its information processing activities. Significant fines apply if a breach is deemed to have occurred under the GDPR, which is designed to protect the personal data of citizens of the European Union, and citizens of any other country where Data Protection Laws apply. local. It is Heural’s policy to ensure that our compliance with the GDPR and other relevant legislation and applicable local Data Protection Laws is clear and demonstrable at all times.

Before using our Service you have to confirm that you have carefully read our Privacy Statement and give your consent to the analysis of your personal health data by Heural.

Information we collect: Every time you visit or use the Heural Platform we collect the following data, although we do not use it in any way to identify you:

Usage Data: Technical information about your device including device-specific data on hardware model, operating system version and product identification number, as well as mobile network information; details of your visit, about and of our Services (including time and day); details of diseases and symptoms studied.

Analytics Data: Your IP address and your operating system and browser; information about the app store from which you have downloaded our application; duration of your consultation of certain subpages and information about your interaction with them (eg scrolling, finger gestures, clicks and mouse movements).

Health data: Surname and first name, Date of birth, e-mail, Biological sex, Health Provider, anonymized HCE, Medical professional or medical center providing the service

Warning: References to “your data” in this Privacy Statement include data that you provide to us.

The Heural Platform may contain links to third party pages. If you follow a link to such pages, please note that they have their own privacy guidelines and that we do not assume responsibility or guarantee for these or their treatment of your personal data. We kindly ask you to check these privacy statements before providing your own personal data.

  1. Cookies and tracking on our platform

The Heural Platform uses so-called cookies, which are text files that are stored either in or through your browser on your device (computer, tablet or phone). With the term “cookies” we refer to all the tools that collect data on our platform (eg IP address, place and time of visits). Your data obtained in this way, however, is stored pseudonymised and separated from other personal data. This type of treatment is done based on current law and your consent when provided by law.

  1. Duration of storage of personal data

We store your personal data as long as it is necessary or for the legally or administratively established time, although always in accordance with the principle of data minimization.

When your personal data is required for more than one purpose, we retain it until the end of the longest term. We limit access to your personal data to people who need this data for the corresponding purposes. The principle of integrity and confidentiality always applies here.

Once it is no longer necessary to process your data for the intended purposes or your account in our application has been deleted, we will store and keep some of your data separate and secure, in accordance with legal deadlines and our requirements.

When the purpose for the processing of personal data ceases, they are irrevocably anonymized (and stored in this way) or securely deleted.

  1. Your rights as a User

Users are informed that the owner of the personal data has the power to exercise the right of access to them free of charge at intervals of no less than six months, unless a legitimate interest to that effect is proven.

To exercise your rights, you can contact at any time, free of charge, at the contact information indicated in the Preliminary (for example, by email to [email protected]) and indicating the option “exercise my privacy rights”.

  1. How and when we respond to your requests

We try to answer requests and questions regarding your rights as soon as possible. If it is not possible in some cases for real or legal reasons, we will inform you.

  1. Privacy Statement Changes

Heural may modify the Privacy Statement at any time by previously communicating said modifications to the Users. The new versions of the Privacy Statement will be notified by: (i) publication of the latest updated and current version at and in the mobile application and/or (ii) by email addressed to the User.